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Introduction to DICS

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What is DICS?


DICS stands for Documented Information Control System and is a comprehensive computer program designed specifically for the management of company controlled information. DICS is intended to be used by those Quality, Health and Safety or Environmental professionals with responsibilities for the issuing, updating and removal of controlled information.


Version 5 updated to more closely align to international standards such as ISO 9001:2015 whereby documents can be controlled in different mediums such as paper, magnetic, electronic, computer storage devices, digital and standard photography i.e anything capable of holding meaningful data.


DICS's primary objective is to make the management of your company controlled information simpler, less bureaucratic and more efficient.  DICS will aid companies in meeting the requirements of their Quality, Safety and / or Environmental Management System requirements for the control of documented information.


DICS allows companies to manage their controlled information process from the initial review / validation and issuing through to the documentation acknowledgement sign off and any subsequent amendments, updates or withdrawal requests. DICS also provides comprehensive reporting to allow the document controller to take decisions based on real data, ensuring the right documented information is at the right locations efficiently.


This version of DICS has been released as a fully functional TBYB demo.


DICS has been design to manage the following processes;


Indicate approval of documented information adequacy prior to issue

Record and update as necessary and re-approve documented information

Ensure that changes and the current revision status of documented information are identified

Ensure that relevant versions of applicable documented information are available at points of use

Ensure that documented information of external origin are identified and their distribution managed

Control of obsolete documented information

Allow easy auditing of the documented information control system


Reports included in DICS


Document Information Issue Letters

Document Information No Acknowledgement List

Document Information No Acknowledgement Reminder

Document Information Held By Location

Document Information Types Held By Location


Screen shoot of one of DICS input screens.




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