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Issuing to same Location

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Tips and Tricks


DICS : Issuing different documented information to same locations.


Often the document comptroller will need to issue a set of documented information to various locations, for example a suite of quality procedures or a modification package.  To save time the document controller can use the standard windows cut and paste to duplicate the holding locations.


Start by entering the documented information on the left side of the master input form form each record.




Two records shown in example above, but you may have many you wish to issue the same documented information to...


Now add the required location to your first record, i.e. complete the right side of the master input form.



Next right click (whilst holding the left arrow key down) in the small grey square to the left of the 'Loc Code' for each of the required locations to copy.  You will see each grey square turn black as you click on it, as shown below.



Now press the windows copy keys Ctr + C



Go to the next record you require to paste your locations in to and right click on the grey square so it turns black' (as this is a new record there should be no previous locations shown)



Now press the paste keys Ctr + C




You will be offered an information box advising of what happens next, read the message and if happy to do so, click yes to proceed.



The locations will now be copy into you documented information record right-side.



Job done in a fraction of the time of doing each record individually, enjoy a well earned coffee break...



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