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Staff Briefed

 'QHSE' Business Software
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Staff Briefed


Information on risks and control measures identified by the risk assessment should be communicated to employees and others as appropriate.


It is important that the findings of risk assessments are communicated to staff, it is equally important that records of these briefing are kept and available to be review by interested parties after, for instance, an accident or near miss event.


TIRA allows for staff briefing records and lists to be easily and quickly created.  The staff briefing tabs allows for staff briefed to be recorded along with the date of brief and any specific elements or concerns.  Once staff have been briefed they can be checked off any staff brief list that has been created. 


The staff brief record / list can be printed in hard copy filed in accordance to any company procedures in place.


It should be remembered that the aim of conducting risk assessments is not to produce well designed, well written, clear and legible assessments if all they do is sit in a filing cabinet only to be produced at such times as accident investigations an audits. Risk assessments need to be understood by all those involved in the activity and process. Risk assessments are not just a paperwork exercise, they are a proactive means of managing safety.


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