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Task Based Risk Assessment Main Input Form

 'QHSE' Business Software
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Task Based Risk Assessment Main Input Form


Select the 'Tasked Based' from the available Risk Assessment types






TIRA initially generates a unique reference ID which may be changed now or later to match your own referencing convention.


Header Tab


Tasked Based Reference No: Unique identification allocated to the risk assessment (duplicate Ref IDs are not permitted)

Location / Site: Identifies where the Tasked Based risk assessment applies to

Task Being Assessed: Records details of task being risk assessed

Assessor One and Two: Records the details of the any individuals assisting in the risk assessment process, typically the employee undertaking the task, a supervisor and or team leader etc this will vary from company to company


Date: Tasked Based assessment undertaken on


Time: Tasked Based assessment undertaken at


Review Date: Date the Tasked Based risk assessment should be reviewed for accuracy and continuing suitability.


Review Not Required: Prevents the programme from placing the Tasked Based assessment on the overdue remainder report after its review date is past.  Typically used where staff are on short-term contracts or for one off tasks not likely to be repeated.


Navigation Bar: (bottom left) Provides the following ways to navigate through records;


ØFirst Record

ØPrevious Record

ØNumber of Record within Record-set

ØNext Record

ØLast Record

ØFilter Box

ØSearch Box


Duplicate Record: Will replicate an exact copy of the Tasked Based risk assessment and allocate a unique and temporary reference ID. (see duplicate record for further details)


Further tabs are listed on the General Risk Assessment Introduction page


For more details on TIRA's General Risk Assessment module please refer to the help support for GRAM our General Risk Assessment Management software.

On Safe Lines QHSE Software Help file v7.1.01 : Copyright © 2003-2019 On Safe Lines QHSE Software Ltd

'QHSE' Business Software
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