FREEWARE QHSE Business Software: click <here> to learn more...


SMART Support - (Site Map<Root level> > General Note: SMARTv7 has been released as FREEWARE form Aug 2020 by On Safe Lines, prior to this version users would of needed to purchased a licence.

As set out in the EULA:

Reproduction and Distribution. You may reproduce and distribute free of any charge payable by the recipient an unlimited number of copies of the Software; provided that each copy shall be a true and complete copy, including all copyright, trademark notices and web site addresses that are currently in place. The Software unregistered setup package may be freely distributed with exceptions noted below:

a. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of SOFTWARE without written permission from the copyright holder.

b. The software may not be bundled or distributed with any other package without written permission from the copyright holder.


Welcome to SMART: designed for use with Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, 8 and 10


What is SMART?


SMART stands for Sickness Monitoring and Absenteeism Records and Trends software program and is a comprehensive employee sickness / absenteeism management and trend analysis program, designed to be used by HR and administration departments.


SMART is the result of 15+ years learning and development. Its primary objective is to reduce the overall risk to employers by making the management of sickness and attendance, less bureaucratic and more efficient.


One of the unique features of SMART is that although it is fundamentally a database application it will look and feel like a spreadsheet application to many users.  Each matrix making use of columns and rows for user data inputting.


The downloadable version of SMART is TBYB and is fully functional.


This application will allow all aspects of employee sickness records to be monitored and allow in-depth trend analysis on current (52 weeks) and long-term historical sickness records and patterns.


SMART provides clear records and sickness patterns from the initial sickness and informal chat with the employee concerned right through to his / her dismissal and dismissal appeal stages.


SMART allows organisations to manage employee sickness (and attendance if required) efficiently and effectively by easily keeping track of who, where, when, and what actions has been undertaken in regard to an employees sickness records and sickness management.  SMART allows instant access to sickness stats, trends, performance and tracking information. All employee sickness records can be quickly and easily located and where necessary printed in a professionally designed and standard format.



Key Features of SMART integrated into this version include;


    1. Easy to set up, maintain an input data.
    2. Comprehensive records of employee sickness records, both current and historical
    3. Intelligent trend analysis on employee sickness, including;


    • 10 or more days of sickness in 52 weeks
    • 2 or more occurrences off sickness in the last 13 weeks
    • 2 or more occurrences off sickness in any 13-week  period in the last 52 weeks
    • 5 or more separate sickness in a 52 week period
    • 5 or more continuous days off with sickness in a 52 week period
    • Comprehensive reports that cover all aspects of employees sickness and sickness trends.
    • Comprehensive statistics on sickness figures
    • Historical sickness records are maintained for the employees working career with your company.
    • Monitor employees on sickness disciplinary, from first warning to dismissal
    • Monitors employees on disciplinary and automatically clears the monitoring when sickness improves



Video overview of SMART - Links to addition support videos below


Overview of SMART > YouTube Video


On Safe Lines  - Help file v7.0.00 : Copyright © 2020 On Safe Lines

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 FREEWARE QHSE Business Software
 click <here> to learn more...

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