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SMART Support - (Site MapSearch and Find >  > Search for Individuals


The search form offers a user friendly way to locate individuals



The search box offers the users 4 options when searching for specific individuals.


1.By Name

2.By Employee ID

3.By Grade (drop-down box selector)

4.By Location (drop-down box selector)



SMART will then filter the record-set according to the criteria specified in the users search and return and records found.


When selecting search criteria by date SMART uses a standard date selector box.




This helps to ensure that there are no errors introduced by the date format set on users PC's i.e. mm/dd/yy (US) against dd/mm/yy (GB) would otherwise give different results if a user inputs dates such as 02/03/11, 03/08/11, 10/02/12 etc.


The following table shows how you can use Like to test expressions for different patterns. (wild cards, wild characters)


Kind of match


(returns True)

No match
(returns False)

Multiple characters


aa, aBa, aBBBa




abc, AABB, Xab

aZb, bac

Special character




Multiple characters


abcdefg, abc

cab, aab

Single character


aaa, a3a, aBa


Single digit


a0a, a1a, a2a

aaa, a10a

Range of characters


f, p, j

2, &

Outside a range


9, &, %

b, a

Not a digit


A, a, &, ~

0, 1, 9



An9, az0, a99

abc, aj0

The the example above the user has set the search criteria for the name field to "lin"

When clicking apply filter any records found will be load into the Employees details form.  In the example below the search criteria returned 7 records.

Note: You can apply criteria to multiply search fields to further narrow your search.

The search form can also be loaded directly from the employee selectors form.


On Safe Lines  - Help file v7.0.00 : Copyright © 2020 On Safe Lines

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 FREEWARE QHSE Business Software
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