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2015 to 2008 Collation p2




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QHSE Support >(Site Map) Quality Guidance > ISO 9000-2015 General > 

ISO 9001:2015 to ISO 9001:2008 Comparison - page 2 of 3


Correlation Matrix page 2 of 3





The 9001:2015 International Standard employs the process approach, which incorporates the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking.

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2008

7.3      Awareness

6.2.2  Competence, training and awareness

7.4      Communication

5.5.3  Internal communication

7.5      Documented information

4.2     Documentation requirements

7.5.1  General

4.2.1  General

7.5.2  Creating and updating

4.2.3  Control of documents


4.2.4  Control of records

7.5.3  Control of documented Information

4.2.3  Control of documents


4.2.4  Control of records

8         Operation

7         Product realization

8.1      Operational planning and control

7.1      Planning of product realization

8.2     Requirements for products and services

7.2      Customer-related processes

8.2.1  Customer communication

7.2.3  Customer communication

8.2.2  Determination of requirements for products and services

7.2.1  Determination of requirements related to the product

8.2.3  Review of the requirements for products and services

7.2.2  Review of requirements related to the product

8.2.4  Changes to requirements for products and services

7.2.2  Review of requirements related to the product

8.3      Design and development of products and services

7.3Design and development

8.3.1  General

7.3.1  Design and development planning

8.3.2  Design and development planning

7.3.1  Design and development planning

8.3.3  Design and development inputs

7.3.2  Design and development inputs

8.3.4  Design and development controls

7.3.4  Design and development review


7.3.5  Design and development verification


7.3.6  Design and development validation

8.3.5  Design and development outputs

7.3.3  Design and development outputs

8.3.6  Design and development changes

7.3.7  Control of design and development changes

8.4      Control of externally provided processes, products and services

7.4.1  Purchasing process

8.4.1  General

4.1     General requirements


7.4.1  Purchasing process

8.4.2  Type and extent of control

7.4.1  Purchasing process


7.4.3  Verification of purchased product

8.4.3  Information for external providers

7.4.2  Purchasing information


7.4.3  Verification of purchased product

8.5      Production and service provision

7.5      Production and service provision

8.5.1  Control of production and service provision

7.5.1  Control of production and service provision


7.5.2  Validation of processes for production and service provision

8.5.2  Identification and traceability

7.5.3  Identification and traceability

8.5.3  Property belonging to customers or external providers

7.5.4  Customer property

8.5.4  Preservation

7.5.5  Preservation of product

8.5.5  Post-delivery activities

7.5.1  Control of production and service provision

8.5.6  Control of changes

7.3.7  Control of Design and Development Changes

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