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Concern / Control : Any area where by remedial actions are considered necessary to reduce risk. Depending on your company set-up these can be authorised as part of the record sign-off.
Ref Number: This is a numerical reference to the action. This can be 1, 2, 3..., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc
Action Required: This is where recommendations on how to remove or reduce the concerns are listed. This maybe with the agreement of the person responsible for implementing the required actions. Either way it should not, at a later stage, come as a surprise to any manager responsible for the area where the actions are required to be undertaken.
By Whom: The person responsible for ensure the actions identified are implemented.
By When: Provides a target date for which the actions identified are to be implemented.
Complete: Indicates that the recommended actions have been implemented. Note checking this box removes the action from
AIM's actions not complete reports.
L x S = RR: This indicates what the likelihood and severity will change to once the corrective actions have been implemented. The risk rating should therefore be lower than before any actions where taken.
Delete: Should the concern no longer be applicable the company may choose to delete the action or complete record. However, it would be normal practice to leave the record as is, and simply close the action explaining that the concern was no longer relevant.
TIRA includes several reports which have been designed to help those with health and safety responsibilities to manage the findings and actions made during risk assessment activities.
The hierarchy of control
Control measures identified by the risk assessment, whether protective or preventative, must be implemented in line with the following hierarchy of control. In many cases a combination of control measures will be needed.
1.Elimination - is it possible to avoid the risk altogether? (eg. requesting a delivery service to an office instead of reception to prevent staff from Work Equipment)
2.Substitution - change the way you do the work, but take care not to introduce new risks (eg. using a safer chemical)
3.Isolation - combat risks at the source and prevent access to the hazard (eg. guarding machinery)
4.Reduction - reduce the number of employees at risk or reduce the extent of exposure
5.Use information (written procedures, safe systems of work), instruction, training and supervision - ensure employees understand what they must do and when, how they must do it and what activities are prohibited
6.Use personal protective equipment, but only as the last resort and only after all other measures have been implemented
Investigators may need to seek further information or guidance from health and safety services if they are unable to decide whether the risk is adequately controlled or not.
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