Getting Started - Logging On


Welcome to STARS, the following pages should help you get up and started with the minimum of fuss.


After the initial splash screen and copy-right information is the first screen to load, the screen automatically closes after a few seconds.


Staff Training and Records System Splash Screen


Next STARS offers a simple log-in box, the default log-in is user name Guest, and password = password.  It is strongly recommended that you change the ‘Guest’ log-in.


The protection offered in STARS is not sophisticated and whilst it will keep honest people honest, the more determined individual may well find a back-door entry.


Depending on which version of STARS you are using the user log-in offers up to three levels of user hierarchy, Administrator, Editor and Read-Only.  At least one user must retain Administration access rights.  Should STARS detect the last user with Administration access is changed the programme with advice the user this is not permitted and cancel the changes.


Staff Training and Records System Logon Form

After logging on you are presented the opening menu options form.  Most training departments or departments responsible for training will be interested in their work-load, STARS offers two reports at start-up to make this process more efficient.


Staff Training and Records System Opening Options Form


Initial start up reports include;


1. Due Courses



2. Expired Courses