Health and Safety Arrangements cont...Send comments on this topic |
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Health and Safety Arrangements cont...
HSG 65 publication Managing for Health and Safety, now (like ISO 9000 2015) uses the Plan, Do. Check, Act methodology to risk management ...
The Plan, Do, Check, Act approach
HSE has moved away from using the POPMAR (Policy, Organising, Planning, Measuring performance, Auditing and Review) model of managing health and safety to a ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’ approach.
The move towards Plan, Do, Check, Act achieves a balance between the systems and behavioural aspects of management. It also treats health and safety management as an integral part of good management generally, rather than as a stand-alone system.
NOTE The OHSAS 18002-2008 Occupational health and safety management systems - Guidelines for implementation of OHSAS 18001-2007 Standard is based on the methodology known Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). PDCA can be briefly described within this standard as follows.
•Plan: establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organisation's OH&S policy.
•Do: implement the processes.
•Check monitor and measure processes against OH&S policy objectives legal and other requirements, and report the results
•Act: take actions to continually improve OH&S performance.
Also Note that a new ISO standard, ISO 45001 for an occupational health and safety system is being produced which is envisaged to replace BS OHSAS 18001 (sometime in 2016). I dare say that this will see the Quality, Environmental and Safety standards all using the PDCA methodology...
You may need to go round the cycle more than once, particularly when:
•starting out;
•developing a new process, product or service; or
•implementing any change.
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