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Manager's Health ans Safety Policy




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Sample Health and Safety Policy for Manager's Responsibilities

Read and understand the company's health and safety policy and ensure that it is brought to the notice of operatives under your control.  Carry out all work in accordance with its requirements and those of any Health and Safety Plan developed for the site.

Understand the Health and Safety Regulations applicable to the work on which your operatives are engaged and insist that these Regulations are observed and that they are incorporated in the requirements of the site's Health and Safety Plan as they affect the work.

Incorporate safety instructions in routine orders and see that they are obeyed.

Do not allow operatives to take unnecessary risks.

Ensure that new employees, particularly young people, are shown the correct method of working and all safety precautions.

Ensure that young employees (under 18 years) do not drive any item of plant or operate any type of tool or equipment except under direct supervision.

Commend operatives who, by action or initiative, eliminate hazards.

Do not allow "horseplay" or dangerous practical jokes and reprimand those who consistently fail to consider their own safety or that of others around them.

Report immediately any defects of plant or equipment.

Report any accident, however minor, to immediately.

Set a personal example by wearing protective clothing and by carrying out your own work in a safe manner.

Look for and suggest ways of eliminating hazards.  Bring to the notice of management any improvements or additions to the company safety policy which you feel should be made.

Organise and undertake as appropriate any on-job training requirements for staff requiring enhanced job competence.

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