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Monitoring Health and Safety Policy




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Sample Health and Safety Performance Monitoring Policy


Progressive improvement in health and safety performance is best achieved through the constant development of a policy defined approach, this in regards to there implementation and techniques of risk control and management.


The outcomes of the monitoring, evaluation and review processes is to identify and ensure:


an effective health and safety policy is maintained and continually developed.

an effective organisation resource exists to ensure that the policy is implemented.

an improving performance in health and safety is maintained.

the implementation of remedial action by responsible persons when failures or gaps in policy are identified.


To achieve these outcomes all supervisors and employees must constantly evaluate their work activities in relation to the policy, and bring to the notice of the management through its management system, and or safety co-ordinating arrangements any areas where this policy is inadequate or ineffective.


The company will make arrangements for the appointed safety adviser to visit the company's premises at regular intervals to identify and report on any hazards, lack of control measures, defects or breaches of regulations.  Safety audit undertaken for each major activity under the manager's control should examine current performance, adherence to requirements and where deficiencies are identified to take practical action to improve standards and or modify the safety policy.  These audits will be subject to agreement and where necessary assistance from the site management.  A report of the audit will be left on site and a copy sent to the 'head of safety' so that it can be established where the appropriate procedures in company policy have not been complied with or are deficient, this to ensure actions can be taken to ensure similar problems do not recur on other company sites.


In adopting a pro-active approach to ensure that the company safety policy is being effectively implemented, managers shall have the responsibility to undertake routine safety audits, assisted by the safety adviser if appropriate, of their management area.


A review of overall company performance in health and safety will be undertaken at yearly intervals, or other intervals as arranged.  The safety adviser and the company's head of safety will discuss safety performance over the preceding period reviewing, accidents, compliance and non compliance with policy, requirements for competence training and other issues relevant to improving this policy and performance.


The company will co-operate with any safety audit or check undertaken by clients, customers, legal bodies, and elected safety representatives etc.  Reports issued shall be reviewed by the safety advisor and any safety non-compliance's acted upon as necessary.  The company shall use reports issued by internal and external parties as evidence of performance against company policies and procedures.


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