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Accident Book UK




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BI 510 Accident Book

The United Kingdom Accident Book referred to as BI 510 has been issued by the Health and Safety Executive, and is sponsored by The Department for Work and Pensions. Employers and employees can use this book to record details of work-related injuries for which Social Security benefits could be payable.


BI 510 Accident Book   New BI150 Accident Book


Old and new version of the BI150 Accident Book


The BI 510 Accident Book can be used to record details of injuries that employers must report under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995, and contains guidance on this legislation and the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981.


Safety representatives are legally entitled to see accident records that employers have to keep by law. A tick box is included on each page of the Accident Book asking whether the injured person allows consent to disclose the information contained in that record to safety representatives.  This consent enables them to carry out their statutory functions more effectively.


Any arrangements to pass the information on should include the employer, employee, and safety representative.  The aim is to make the best possible use of any information, thus aiding health and safety objectives.


The format of the Accident book protects the privacy of personal information.  Individual record sheets can be removed and stored securely, helping to keep personal information confidential.


The Accident Book will help with discharging legal requirements under social security and health and safety legislation.  Additionally, sharing information with safety representatives, taking confidentiality fully into account.


Computer software can also be a great help to record and trend find on accident records.


AIM - Employee Accident Investigation and Management Software 


AIM - Employee Accident Investigation and Management Software 


Related Links

Accidents at Work

Accident Investigation

Accident Book

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