Accident InvestigationSend comments on this topic |
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Accident investigation
All incidents, accidents and near misses should be investigated so that appropriate action can be taken to prevent a recurrence.
The Manager and or Supervisor should commence an accident investigation and the progress and findings should be forwarded to a Senior Manager. This should be carried out immediately in the case of a serious accident.
In completing the Accident investigation any details requested should give consideration to the following factors:
What any injured person was doing at the time of, and immediately before the accident.
Consider the following:
1.what any injured person was doing at the time of, and immediately before the accident;
2.were they authorised to be in that specific area;
3.what type of work was being undertaken;
4.had they been trained;
5.were they supervised, and,
6.nature of the injury and location on the body.
Record details of plant, equipment, substances, etc., involved in the accident. Examine the equipment to the best of your ability, and where necessary engage competent support. Bear in mind that it may be best to enlist an independent engineer if the integrity of the machine and, or maintenance standards are in question. Furthermore, remember other details such as weather, clothing, lighting, etc., if relevant. Take statements from any witnesses separately concerning what they saw at the time of the accident. Remain impartial and do not ask leading questions. Confirm that witnesses saw the incident or accident and are not giving an opinion on what they thought might have happened.
Record the conclusions. Stick to the facts and do not make subjective judgements. Opinions are peripheral to the investigation. Listing recommendations for the prevention of a similar recurrence ought to form part of the accident investigation report. The list of proposals or recommendations may typically include training requirements, including refresher training, which may be considered beneficial. Remember, recommendations may not necessarily be readily accepted by those accountable for their implementation. It is, therefore, important that accident investigations are at a minimum acknowledged, endorsed, and signed off by senior management.
Guide on accident investigation and reporting
BS 45002-3:2018 - Occupational health and safety management systems. General guidelines for the application of ISO 45001. Guidance on incident investigation |
HSG 245 - Investigating accidents and incidents: A workbook for employers, unions, safety representatives and safety professionals |
INDG 453 - Reporting accidents and incidents at work |
HSE: Reporting accidents, incidents and diseases
Computer software can also be a great help to record and trend find on accident records.
AIM - Employee Accident Investigation and Management Software
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