3rd Input Designations Data


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QHSE Support - (Site MapTIRA > Getting Started - section 1 >  > Inputting Data - Designations and Grades

Next users should add data for the various management / team structures for their company(s) or their clients company(s) into the Teams table. The teams table is available via the Company Structure ribbon button.


Simply add the various team structures for your company or clients set-up into the Teams table. You may also wish to add Young Persons, Visitors and Contracts to the Designations and Grades Table.


The way you company decides to populate these tables will be specific to your needs, indeed you may choose to use individual managers names rather than titles...


Example of just one way to populate the Designations and Grades Table.





Note : This is the only time you need to enter Designations and Grades details, the information entered here throughout the entire application.  This allows for efficiency of operation and accuracy of data.  All changes made to this table will be cascaded to all related records, allowing for one-time edit and updates.

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