STARS - Staff Training and Records System
STARS - Staff Training and Records System

Bulk Training Requests - All Staff




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STARS Manual > Staff Training Records > Staff Training > 

STARS - All Staff Booking Bulk Training Requests


STARS works on the principle that the training department will arrange courses and managers and supervisors will put forward staff to attend.


To create a new training request select the 'Training Requests' button from the top menu ribbon.




To initially create a training request to go Create New Training Request


Bulk entry procedure, ALL staff


Many organisation will request for all staff to receive a safety briefing, in the example below all staff will be entered onto the course 'Safety Brief 2020-02'




To enabled ALL staff to be quickly placed onto a course STARS has an



Click the 'All Staff' button will load all active staff in the staff table to be added to the selected training course



To ensure you wish to create an ALL staff training request a confirmation massage box will appears.


The table on the right-hand show, for this example that 158 staff were placed onto the training course.



On check the staff details table we see that there is a total of 168 staff, 10 more than were allocated on the training course.



The different is because staff that are recorded as 'Left / Retired' as not placed on new training course requests.



To enabled groups of staff to be quickly placed onto a course see:


Adding bulk entries by role

Adding bulk entries by team

Adding bulk entries by grade

STARS Support v1.0.00 : STARS - Staff Training and Records System - Website On Safe Lines QHSE Software 2024 : Webmaster: Brian Welch