Fire Risk Assessments |
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Fire Premises Risk Assessment - Free Assessments Software
Manual Handling risk assessment software is supplied free as a single risk assessment discipline program (MRAM, click <here> to go to download page) or part of a multiple risk assessment discipline program, TIRA see below.
Health and Safety requires employees to undertake suitable and sufficient risk assessments; part of a risk assessors duties will include assessing the companies / sites fire precautions arrangements.
The chances of fire starting will be low if there are few ignition sources and if combustible materials are kept away from them. In general fire is likely to start in one of three ways:
•Accidentally, such as when smoking materials are not properly extinguished.
•By act or omission, such as when electrical equipment is not properly maintained or when refuse is allowed to accumulate near to a heat source.
•Deliberately, such as intentional setting fire to external storage or rubbish bins.
Premises should be critically examined to identify any potential accidents, any acts or omissions that might allow a fire to start and to evaluate risk. This should include situations that may present an opportunity for deliberate ignition. Having also considered the people likely to be at risk and the likelihood of fire occurring, it is important to make an assessment of the adequacy of existing fire safety measures and the need for additional measures.
The fire precaution strategies will cover such areas as:-
•Means of escape
•Keeping the premises free from obstruction and clear of combustible refuse
•Opening doors and barriers in case of fire
•Marking of exits and provision of adequate lighting
•Means for fighting fire
•Provision for the fire brigade to be called in the event of fire in the premises and for facilitating fire fighting by the fire brigade.
•Means for detecting fire and for giving warning in case of fire
•Fire-resisting construction and materials for use in internal walls and ceilings
•Instruction and training • Preparation of emergency plans
•Prevention of smoking
•Supervision of construction and maintenance contractors
•Hot working permits • Records to be maintained
Fire premises risk assessments should guide the risk assessor through the fire premises risk assessment ensuring the risk assessment is undertaken in a plan and systematic way.
TIRA Software Solution for Creating Risk Assessment Task Inventories. (try it free)
TIRA is your 'One Stop Shop' for your business occupational health and safety risk assessments requirements. Comprehensive yet simple to use and extremely competitively priced
Risk Rating: TIRA uses typical occupational health and safety quantitative assessment ratings as shown in the following guidelines.
Likelihood Severity (consequences)
5. Almost Certain 4. Probable 3. Possible 2. Possible (under unfortunate circumstances) 1. Rare
Severity (consequences)
5. Fatality 4. Major Injury, resulting in disability 3. Injury Requires, Doctor’s or Hospital attendance 2. Minor Injury, 1st Aid required 1. Minor Injury, 1st Aid not required |
TIRA's task inventory risk assessment guides the risk assessor through the task inventory risk assessment ensuring the task inventory is produced in an efficient and systematic way.
Additional Risk Assessment in our TIRA software;
1.Task Inventory Risk Assessments
2.Tasked Based Risk Assessments
3.Work Equipment Risk Assessments
4.Manual Handling Risk Assessments
5.Workplace Risk Assessments
6.Hazardous Substances Risk Assessments
7.Fire Precautions Risk Assessments
8.First Aid Risk Assessments
9.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Risk Assessments
10.Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Risk Assessments
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