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Useful INDG  Health and Safety Guides - page 5

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Health and Safety Executive INDGs


INDG  is an Acronym for Industry Guidance

Health and Safety INDG  Industry Guides 424 to 455

INDG 424 - Reduce Stress at Work: A guide for employees

INDG 426 - Is poultry dust making you ill?

INDG 430 - Work-related Stress

INDG 438 - Assessment of repetitive tasks of the upper limbs (the ART tool)

INDG 440 - Supervising for safety in woodworking

INDG 449 - Health & Safety made Simple for Small Businesses

INDG 450 - Your Health, your safety : A brief guide for workers

INDG 451 - Heat stress in the workplace

INDG 453 - Reporting accidents and incidents at work (RIDDOR 2013)

INDG 455 - Safe use of ladders and step ladders


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INDG424 Reduce Stress at Work: A guide for employees

INDG 424 - Reduce Stress at Work: A guide for employees


What is work-related stress, and why do we need to tackle it?


There is a difference between stress and pressure. We all experience pressure on a daily basis, and need it to motivate us and enable us to perform at our best. It’s when we experience too much pressure without the opportunity to recover that we start to experience stress. The HSE definition of stress is ‘the adverse reaction a person has to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them’.


We can all feel stressed at times when we feel as though everything becomes too much, when things get on top of us, or when we feel as though we are unable to cope. It affects us in different ways at different times and is often the result of a combination of factors in our personal and working lives.


Work-related stress can be tackled by working with your employer to identify issues at source and agreeing realistic and workable ways to tackle these. 


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INDG426 Is poultry dust making you ill?

INDG 426 - Is poultry dust making you ill?


This pocket card is for workers in the poultry farming industry. It gives simple advice on what employees should do to protect their breathing.


Also see:

HSG 252 - A recipe for safety: Occupational health and safety in food and drink manufacture  


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INDG430 Work-related Stress

INDG 430 - Work-related stress


A guide for employers on making the Management Standards work


Going to work is generally good for us, but only if our health, safety and welfare are protected. Preventing ill health because of work-related stress is part of creating a good working environment for your employees.


What is stress and why do we need to tackle it?


People get confused about the difference between pressure and stress. We all experience pressure regularly – it can motivate us to perform at our best. It is when we experience too much pressure and feel unable to cope that stress can result.  


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INDG438 Assessment of repetitive tasks of the upper limbs (the ART tool)

INDG 438 - Assessment of repetitive tasks of the upper limbs (the ART tool)


Guidance for employers


The assessment of repetitive tasks (ART) tool is designed to help you risk assess tasks that require repetitive moving of the upper limbs (arms and hands). It helps you to assess some of the common risk factors in repetitive work that contribute to the development of upper limb disorders (ULDs).  


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INDG440 Supervising for safety in woodworking

INDG 440 Supervising for safety in woodworking




As a supervisor, you have an important role in making your workshop safe – like it or not, you are management’s ‘eyes and ears’ on the shop floor.


However, accident investigations have shown that supervisors are often unaware of their responsibilities and do not see themselves as part of the management team.


Read this document, answer the questions honestly then discuss with your boss what you need to do. 


Also see:

ACOP L114 Safe use of woodworking machinery  


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INDG449 Health 8t Safety made Simple for Small Businesses

INDG 449 - Health & Safety made Simple for Small Businesses


This guide is for employers and those who want some basic information on what they must do to make sure their businesses comply with health and safety law.


Managing health and safety doesn’t have to be complicated, costly or time consuming. In fact it’s easier than you think. If you have taken reasonable steps to prevent accidents or harm to your employees (and the injury or illness was caused after 1 October 2013), you shouldn’t have to pay compensation.


For many businesses, all that’s required is a basic series of practical tasks that protect people from harm and at the same time protect the future success and the growth of your business. This guide will take you through the steps and help you make sure you have done what you need to – and no more.  


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INDG450 Your Health, your safety : A brief guide for workers

INDG 450 - Your Health, your safety : A brief guide for workers


This information is from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in collaboration with the Trades Union Congress (TUC). HSE works to protect the health, safety and welfare of workers by enforcing health and safety law and offering advice and support. The TUC represents 55 trade unions with more than six million members. It campaigns for fairness and decent standards at work.


If you are an employee (full or part time, temporary or permanent), this information explains what your rights are, what you should expect from your employer, what responsibilities you have and where to go for help.


It also applies to you if you are a young person doing work experience, an apprentice, mobile worker or homeworker, or a migrant worker (even if you are working in the UK without permission).  


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INDG451 Heat stress in the workplace

INDG 451 - Heat stress in the workplace


This leaflet describes what you, as an employer, may need to do to protect your employees from heat stress in the workplace. It will also be useful to employees and their safety representatives.


It tells you about the risks to the body from overheating when working in hot conditions (such as bakeries, compressed air tunnels, foundries and smelting operations) and gives practical guidance on how to avoid it. It does not address issues of thermal comfort in the workplace. 


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INDG453 Reporting accidents and incidents at work (RIDDOR 2013)

INDG 453 - Reporting accidents and incidents at work (RIDDOR 2013)


What is RIDDOR?


RIDDOR is the law that requires employers, and other people in control of work premises, to report and keep records of:


>  work-related accidents which cause death;

>  work-related accidents which cause certain serious injuries (reportable injuries);

>  diagnosed cases of certain industrial diseases; and

>  certain ‘dangerous occurrences’ (incidents with the potential to cause harm).


There are also special requirements for gas incidents (see ‘Reportable gas incidents’).


This leaflet aims to help employers and others with reporting duties under RIDDOR, to comply with RIDDOR and to understand reporting requirements.  


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LA455 Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders - a brief guide

LA455 - Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders - a brief guide

 (replaces INDG 455)


‘LA455 Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders – a brief guide’ is the new guidance jointly produced by the Ladder Association and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).


Released in July 2021, the guidance replaces the HSE Guidance Document INDG 455 of the same name (see below)


This updated guidance now highlights the importance of training, and offers expanded guidance on different types of portable ladders, such as telescopic ladders and combination (or multi-purpose) ladders


Old Issue

INDG455 Safe use of ladders and step ladders

INDG 455 - Safe use of ladders and step ladders


This guidance is for employers on the simple, sensible precautions they should take to keep people safe when using ladders and stepladders in the workplace. This will also be useful for employees and their representatives.


Following this guidance is normally enough to comply with the Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAHR). You are free to take other action, except where the guidance says you must do something specific.


Ladders and stepladders are not banned under health and safety law.


In fact they can be a sensible and practical option for low-risk, short-duration tasks, although they may not automatically be your first choice. Make sure you use the right type of ladder and you know how to use it safely. 


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