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Useful INDG  Health and Safety Guides - page 6

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Health and Safety Executive INDGs


INDG  is an Acronym for Industry Guidance

Health and Safety INDG  Industry Guides 457 to 470

INDG 457 - Use lift trucks safely:  Advice for operators

INDG 458 - Legionnaires disease: A brief guide for duty-holder

INDG 459 - Oxygen use in the workplace:  Fire and explosion hazards

INDG 460 - Is your mask protecting you?

INDG 461 - Using cut-off saws: A guide to protecting your lung

INDG 462 - Lift-truck training: Advice for employer

INDG 463 - Control of exposure to silica dust: A guide for employee

INDG 467 - The Dangerous Substances Regs 1990: A brief guide on an amendment to the Regs 2013

INDG 469 - The dangers of cellulose nitrate film

INDG 470 - Handling newspaper and magazine bundles


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INDG457 Use lift trucks safely: Advice for operators

INDG 457 - Use lift trucks safely:  Advice for operators


Lift trucks can be dangerous machines. If you don’t use them properly, they can kill and injure people. Follow this advice to help you and those you work with stay safe.  


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INDG458 Legionnaires disease: A brief guide for duty-holder

INDG 458 - Legionnaires’ disease: A brief guide for duty-holder


Who is this leaflet for?


This leaflet is aimed at employers and people in control of premises, eg landlords, where man-made water systems are used that could be a potential source for legionella bacteria growth. It will help you to understand the health risks associated with legionella. Legionnaires’ disease: The control of legionella bacteria in water systems provides further details about how to manage and control the risks in your system.


Also see:

HSG 274 - Legionnaires disease - Technical guidance

HSG 282 - The control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems

Legionnaires Disease

Legionnaires Disease News


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INDG459 Oxygen use in the workplace: Fire and explosion hazards

INDG 459 - Oxygen use in the workplace:  Fire and explosion hazards


Who is this leaflet for?


This guidance is for anyone who uses oxygen gas in cylinders, in the workplace.


For example, it is used:


>  in welding, flame cutting and similar processes;

>  for helping people with breathing difficulties;

>  in hyperbaric chambers as a medical treatment;

>  for food preservation and packaging;

>  in steelworks and chemical plants.


This leaflet describes the hazards from using oxygen and the precautions needed when using oxygen equipment. If you are an employer, it provides information which will assist you in your risk assessment. 


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INDG460 Is your mask protecting you?

INDG 460 - Is your mask protecting you?


Your employer has to provide you with the right equipment to help you work safely.


You should be fit tested and involved in choosing your mask. Different types of mask are available. Change filters regularly


Check it! Check your mask before you put it on. Then do a fit check – for a proper fit each time.


>  Nose clip shaped?

>  Clean shaven?

>  Straps in place?

>  Edges tight?

>  Chin snug?  


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INDG461 Using cut-off saws: A guide to protecting your lung

INDG 461 - Using cut-off saws: A guide to protecting your lung


If you are working in highway paving construction or maintenance work, it is highly likely that you use a cut-off saw (also known as a disc cutter, a con saw or a ‘whizzer’). Cutting kerbs, paving or blocks can produce enormous amounts of dust. The dust will contain some very fine dust called respirable crystalline silica (RCS). Exposure to RCS dust can cause serious health problems and may eventually kill you.


HSE and the Highways Agency have produced this leaflet which explains how RCS dust exposure can affect your health and what you can do to control the risks.


Health effects Stones, rocks, sands and clays may contain large amounts of crystalline silica. They are used to make kerbs, flags, bricks, tiles and concrete. Even plastic kerbs can contain a silica-based filler. Cutting these materials produces very fine RCS particles in the airborne dust. These particles are small and you can’t always see dust given out by cutting.


By breathing in RCS, you could develop the following lung diseases.  


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INDG462 Lift-truck training: Advice for employer

INDG 462 - Lift-truck training: Advice for employer




Lift trucks are widely used for moving materials and goods, but they are involved in about a quarter of all workplace transport accidents. The deaths and injuries caused can ruin lives and businesses. Even when an incident does not cause injury, it can still mean costly damage to lift trucks, buildings, fittings and goods.


This leaflet is aimed at employers and those responsible for the safe operation of lift trucks, as well as those in control of worksites, the self-employed, managers and supervisors. Employees and their safety representatives may also find it useful.


As an employer you are required to provide basic training and testing for all lift-truck operators you employ (both new and existing). Properly trained operators can reduce the risk of lift-truck accidents in your workplace.


An ‘operator’ in this leaflet is anyone who operates a lift truck, even as a secondary or occasional part of their job, not only those whose job title is lift-truck operator.


The law


The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) place certain requirements on employers. You must make sure that all people who use, supervise or manage the use of work equipment have received adequate training, which includes:


>  the correct use of the equipment;

>  any risks from its use;

>  the precautions to take.


If you are self-employed, you need to do the same type of training, and achieve the

same standard, as employers are required to provide to their employees.  


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INDG463 Control of exposure to silica dust: A guide for employee

INDG 463 - Control of exposure to silica dust: A guide for employee


This leaflet explains what your employer and you should do to prevent lung disease caused by exposure to silica at work.


What is silica?


Silica is a natural substance found in most rocks, sand and clay and in products such as bricks and concrete. Silica is also used as filler in some plastics. In the workplace these materials create dust when they are cut, sanded, carved etc. Some of this dust may be fine enough to breathe deeply into your lungs and cause harm to your health. The fine dust is called respirable crystalline silica (RCS) and is too fine to see with normal lighting. 


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INDG467 The Dangerous Substances (Notification and Marking of Sites) Regulations 1990

INDG 467 - The Dangerous Substances (Notification and Marking of Sites) Regulations 1990: A brief guide on an amendment to the Regulations 2013


What is the purpose of the Dangerous Substances (Notification and Marking of Sites) Regulations 1990 (NAMOS)?


The principal aim of the NAMOS Regulations is to ensure that firefighters arriving at an incident are warned of the presence of dangerous substances.


What are the current requirements in the NAMOS Regulations?


The NAMOS Regulations are based on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009 (CDG). It is a legal requirement under the NAMOS Regulations to notify the fire and rescue service (FRS) and the enforcing authority for the Health and Safety at Work etc Act (eg the Health and Safety Executive/local authority) about any site with a total quantity of 25 tonnes or more of dangerous substances.


The CDG Regulations are based on a European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (known as ADR) which contains a list of dangerous substances.  


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INDG469 The dangers of cellulose nitrate film

INDG 469 - The dangers of cellulose nitrate film


This leaflet is aimed at private individuals and voluntary groups who have or find old film in domestic or other non-workplace premises. It gives advice on:


>  why cellulose nitrate film is hazardous;

>  how to identify cellulose nitrate films and negatives;

>  how to recognise signs of decomposition;

>  what to do if you have cellulose nitrate film;

>  contact points for information and advice.


The leaflet does not cover requirements for the storage and handling of a large number of cellulose nitrate films and negatives such as may be found in archives on commercial or industrial premises or in museums. Exacting standards are defined for such activity (see British Standard BS ISO 10356:1996 and National Fire Protection Association Code NFPA 40), and it is covered by workplace health, safety and fire legislation including the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR).


Cellulose nitrate film is extremely dangerous. It catches fire very easily and once alight is difficult to put out. Fires involving cellulose nitrate burn extremely quickly with a hot, intense flame and the smoke is particularly toxic, containing large quantities of poisonous gases. 


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INDG470 Handling newspaper and magazine bundles

INDG 470 - A Short Guide for Clients on the CDM Regs 2015 Handling newspaper and magazine bundles


Manual handling (lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling etc) of bundles in the production, distribution and sale of newspapers, periodicals and magazines can cause strains or serious injuries which may build up over time. Everyone needs to be aware of the risks they may create for others up and down the distribution chain, and co-operate to help reduce the risk of injury. This information is aimed at employers and others who are involved in the production and distribution of bundles and includes guidance on assessing and reducing risks from manual handling. There is also specific advice for newsagents.  


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