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ISO 45001-2018 6.2 Objectives




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QHSE Support >(Site Map) Health & Safety Guidance > ISO 45001:2018 Clauses > ISO 45001:2018 clause 6 > 

ISO 45001:2018 Clause 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them







ISO 45001:2018 Clause 6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them


Clause 6.2 Breakdown


6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them 


  6.2.1 OH&S objectives

  6.2.2 Planning to achieve OH&S objectives


First thing to realise is that audits will test your management of, and compliance to, and results in meeting OH&S objectives...


The second thing to understand is what is meant by a OH&S objective?


Clause 3.17 OH&S objective 'objective (3.16) set by the organization (3.1) to achieve specific results consistent with the OH&S policy (3.15)'.


This where:


clause 3.16 objects 'result to be achieved',

clause 3.1 organization 'person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives (3.16)' and

clause 3.15 OH&S policy 'policy (3.14) to prevent work-related injury and ill health (3.18) to workers (3.3) and to provide safe and healthy workplaces (3.6)'.


These additional clauses bring in even more clauses...


clause 3.14 policy 'intentions and direction of an organization (3.1), as formally expressed by its top management (3.12)'

clause 3.18 ill health and injury 'adverse effect on the physical, mental or cognitive condition of a person'

clause 3.3 worker 'person performing work or work-related activities that are under the control of the organization (3.1)'

clause 3.6 workplace 'place under the control of the organization (3.1) where a person needs to be or to go for work purposes'


and lastly but not least we bring in:


clause 3.12 top management 'person or group of people who directs and controls an organization (3.1) at the highest level'


We can now more easily see that an OH&S objective reaches across the whole organizations from workers, work-sites, activities, policies to controlling minds.


Mind-map of ISO 45001:2018 OH&S objectives;


ISO 45001 2018 6.2 objectives mind map


So we can roughly deduce that an OH&S objective is, (although others may differ in their opinion of how to stitch together the clauses associated with OH&S objectives)


'result to be achieved set by the person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve results consistent with the OH&S intentions and direction of an organization to prevent adverse effect on the physical, mental or cognitive condition of a person performing work or work-related activities that are under the control of the organization and to provide a safe place where a person needs to be or to go for work purposes'


6.2.1 OH&S objectives


From the OH&S objective breakdown above it can be seen that these objectives need to cover a broad spectrum of organizational OH&S issues.  The standards specifies that OH&S objectives shall (shall in ISO talk it's mandatory)


ISO 45001 2018 6.2.1 objectives


There is also an implied link to ISO 45001 2018 5.2b which establishes the OH&S policy as the framework for O&HS objectives and OH&S 45001 2018 10.3 Continual improvement.


So looking further at each requirement;


be consistent with the OH&S policy - this may cover areas such as 'commitment to the management of OH&S risks, promotion of communication with and participation of workers, established an undertaking to satisfy legal and other requirements.  OH&S objectives need to link back to the


Be measurable or capable of performance evaluation - nothing too arduous here.  Organizations tend to be data-driven, so this is just a case of how to measure OH&S objectives and review the results.


Take account of - OH&S objectives need to be considered over a range of organizational prerequisites, from worker consultation, assessment of risks and opportunities and apply to the current or future legal and other requirements in operates within.


Be monitored - this may well be linked to "be measurable or capable of performance evaluation", it's just asking how the OH&S objective will be checked.


Be communicated - how are OH&S objectives communicated, to whom, when and how.  This will include higher-level communication of the OH&S objectives, with fewer details to the general staff and more to those with specific responsibilities to manage the OH&S.


Be updated as appropriate - plans change, laws evolves, markets grow and shrink, technology advances.  All manner of things can alter the direction of an organization. OH&S objectives should be updated as required.



6.2.2 Planning to achieve OH&S objectives


Once OH&S objectives have been agreed upon by the organization's top management, they will need to be planned and documented. This should also identify the method to be used to evaluate results.  OH&S objectives can be strategic, tactical or operational, and their measurement can be qualitative, quantitative or both.


Organization shall determine.


ISO 45001 2018 6.2.2 planning  


Results can be in different formats:


numerical values, both a gain in, or a reduction to

elimination of hazards

introduction of controls

increase in worker satisfaction

reduction in accidents


Useful integrated management system cross references


ISO 9001


ISO 9001-2015 6 Planning

ISO 9001-2015 6.2 Objectives


ISO 14001


ISO 14001-2015 6 Planning

ISO 14001-2015 6.2 Objectives

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