ISO 45001-2018 9.1 Performance evaluationSend comments on this topic |
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ISO 45001:2018 Clause 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
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Clause 9.1 Breakdown
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance
The clause opens with the statement: "The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process(es) for monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation."
It is also one of those clauses mandated by the 'shall' verbal form, which indicates a requirement and therefore is an area auditors have to satisfy has been met.
An important point here is that the ISO 45001 2018 standard is predominately an occupational health and safety document that provides a framework for managing OH&S risks and opportunities. From this perspective, an organization can reasonably determine the scope and requirements of clause 9.1.1.
Looking further into this area of the standard requires the organization to determine:
Most of these areas are self-explanatory, and the processes the organization determines necessary should be proportional to the level of risk involved. When establishing the requirements to meet clause 9.1.1, the organization should be looking to evaluate the OH&S performance and determine the effectiveness of the OH&S management system. The records and results of these evaluations need maintaining as documented information.
Once an organization has determined the OH&S areas requiring monitoring, much of the requirements for clause 9.1.1; can be managed by collecting OH&S performance data being supplied, debated and actioned, as necessary, in a monthly or periodic workplace safety meeting. For multisite organizations results from the local safety meetings can be fed upwards into a corporate level OH&S performance evaluation report.
Having a well-organized agenda with key SPI's for the safety meetings will help to ensure OH&S activities and objectives are given due consideration. It also as provides good evidence for internal and external audits. This will also help to meet the requirements of clause ISO 45001 2018 7.4 communications. This clause should not be confused with the requirements to review the OH&S management system which is covered in ISO 45001 2018 9.3.
Sample flow chart of simplified monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation.
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance
The first thing to note about this requirement is it has much of the groundwork laid out in ISO 45001 2015 6.1.3 Determination of legal and other requirements. It is the findings of the clause that will require compliance evaluation.
The clause states, "The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process(es) for evaluating compliance with legal requirements and other requirements (see 6.1.3)."
First, let's take a reminder look at clause 6.1.3.
This example mind map shows some typical areas. However, each organization will have its own requirements to be met.
Now lets look at the requirements of clause 9.1.2.
For the legal and other requirements identified in clause 6.1.3, the organization will require to perform an evaluation of compliance. Legal compliance is the minimum in determining the effectiveness of the OH&S management system.
The organization needs to allocate a degree of prioritization to the performance of the compliance evaluation process and to factor in any areas of concerns or issues raised through the requirements of clause ISO 45001 2015 10.2 corrective actions.
Useful integrated management system cross references
ISO 9001
•ISO 9001-2015 9 Performance evaluation
•ISO 9001-2015 9.1 Performance evaluation
ISO 14001
•ISO 14001-2015 9 Performance evaluation
•ISO 14001-2015 9.1 Environmental performance
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