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ISO 9001-2105 7.4 Communication

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QHSE Support >(Site Map) Quality Guidance > ISO 9001-2015 Clauses > ISO 9001-2015 clause 7 >  

ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7.4 Communication







ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7.4 Communication


ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7 mind map

Mind Map ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7

Clause 7.4 Breakdown


7.4 Communication


A basis of communications clause is the right information reaches the right people at the right time.


ISO 9000:2015 provides guidance on what the standard is looking for from communications.


2.2.5 Support Communication


Planned and effective internal (i.e. throughout the organization) and external (ie. with relevant interested parties) communication enhances people's engagement and increased understanding of:


— the context of the organization;

— the needs and expectations of customers and other relevant interested parties;

— the QMS.


ISO 9001:2015 7.4 Communications has 5 requirements and uses the 'shall' verbal form to dictate that this clause requirements are mandatory.


Mind Map of ISO 9001:2015 7.4 Communications requirements

Mind Map of ISO 9001:2015 7.4 Communications requirements

Deciding how to communicate needs a little bit of thought, will the communiqué be clearly understood by all staff or will different languages need to be considered for foreign nationals and seasonal workers, where written communications may not always be the most appropriate method?  The level of detail also needs to be considered, typically technical, skilled staff and middle to lower management will require more detailed communications, whereas higher management and general workers may require no more than an appraised version.  However the organization decides to communicate it needs to be consistent in its delivery and methodology to achieve homogeneous and logical results.


Some methods of internal communications could include:






Notice boards,

Suggestion box,

Meetings, (management, safety, quality, reviews etc)

Toolbox Talks,

Training Courses,

Site inductions,


Focus groups,



Company Intranet,

Company Web-pages.


However the organizations decides to manage its internal OH&S communications there needs to be a degree of evidence its actually happening retained documented information.


Useful integrated management system cross references


ISO 14001


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ISO 45001


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ISO 45001-2018 7.4 Communication


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