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5x5 Risk Matrix - part 5

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Health and Safety Risk Assessments - Sample 5x5 Risk Assessment Matrix page 5 of 5


5x5 Risk Assessment Sections


5x5 Risk Matrix - part 1

5x5 Risk Matrix - part 2

5x5 Risk Matrix - part 3

5x5 Risk Matrix - part 4

5x5 Risk Matrix - part 5


An example of a 5x5 risk assessment matrix where the impact of risk is split into 5 groups and not the standard three.



Health and Safety 5x5 risk assessment matrix with 5 impact categories


Impact categories: (Also see alternatives impact groupings)


20-25 - STOP IMMEDIATELY: Take actions to reduce risk before reconvening activity.


15-16 - URGENT ACTION: Stop or take action immediately as situation dictates. Maintain existing control measures rigorously whilst taking actions to reduce risk as appropriate.


08-12 - ACTION: Look to reduce risk in manage time-scales


03-06 - MONITOR: Maintain monitoring criteria, look to improve where opportunities exist or present themselves. Action where significant changes are found.


01-02 - NO ACTION: Maintain monitoring criteria, review on significant changes.


Each organisation can agree on the precise words for the five impact categories, clearly within the criteria of low to high risk meaning low to increasing control measures.


Risk assessors should approach risk assessing in a methodical, planned and process-driven manner. 

Many health and safety guidelines will put forward a 5 step approach similar to the one listed below.


1. Identify hazards

2. Decide who may be harmed, and how

3. Determine the risks

4. Record of the findings

5. Communicate and review the risk assessments, as proportional to the risk


To allow health and safety risk management requirements to be more easily managed, an organisation can adopt risk assessment templates, these will assist in bringing continuity and cohesion to the risk assessment discipline.


Example template.


1. What are the risks

2. Who may be harmed, and how

3. Existing control measures

4. Risk Rating (5x5 risk matrix or organisation adopted method)

5. Addition controls to reduce or mitigate risk

6. New Risk Rating


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