Task Inventories


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Select the 'Inventory List' from the available Risk Assessment types



Task Inventory Risk Assessment


Company : Name of organisation that task inventory applies to

Task Inventory Reference No: Unique identification allocated to task inventory

Location / Site: Identifies where task inventory applies to

Activity Generic Description: 1st level descriptor for example "Plant Maintenance"

Activity Specific Description: 2nd level descriptor for example "Air conditioning Unit"


Department / Team: Identifies who the task inventory applies to


Date: Task Inventory created on


Time: Task Inventory created at


Activity: Once the workplace has been divided logically into work sectors a complete inspection of all workplace tasks should be carried out. This will develop into  a comprehensive inventory of all the tasks conducted throughout the workplace.  The inventory should reflect all hands-on work associated with each occupation or major work assignment.


Hazards: Each activity must be analysed to prepare for identifying all of the hazards involved.  Sources or situations with a potential for harm, in terms of human injury or ill health or a combination of these must be recorded.  This may well mean that some tasks will require to be broken down further into component elements and recorded as a separate activity line within the Task Inventory


Existing Controls: Identification of existing controls.   For example, but not limited to  workplace precautions, such as physical safeguards, containment of airborne contaminants and noise, safe systems of work, competency and training, and personal protective equipment.  Any additional controls considered necessary should also be detailed here


Risk Rating: Use quantitative assessment rating using the following guidelines:




Severity (consequences)


5. Almost Certain

4. Probable

3. Possible

2. Possible (under unfortunate circumstances)

1. Rare

5. Fatality

4. Major Injury, resulting in disability

3. Injury Requires, Doctor’s or Hospital attendance

2. Minor Injury, 1st Aid required

1. Minor Injury, 1st Aid not required



See Quantitative Assessments for further details


Assessment Required Y/N: Indicates whether-or-not a full risk assessment is required. Also see Risk Rating


Ref: Indicates the type of Risk Assessment required (this will depend on which version of TIRA you are using)


Types of Risk Assessments


1.Task Inventories

2.General Risk Assessment

3.Workplace Risk Assessment

4.Work Equipment (PUWER)

5.Display Screen Equipment

6.Manual Handling

7.Personal Protective Equipment

8.First Aid

9.Hazardous Substances (COSHH)



Local Reference No: This the number given to the risk assessment and as such must be unique.  Double clicking in this field will either take you to the full assessment bearing the same reference number or to a blank assessment ready to be documented. It is important that user’s select the correct risk assessment to prevent TIRA loading the inappropriate assessment type


Navigation Bar: Provides the following ways to navigate through records;


First Record

Previous Record

Number of Record within Record-set

Next Record

Last Record

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