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HSG Health and Safety Guidance p8

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Useful HSG Health and Safety Guides - page 8


Health and safety guidance (HSG) publications

Guides between HSG 263 to HSG 283

HSG 263 - Involving your workforce in health and safety: Good practice for all workplaces

HSG 264 - Asbestos: The survey guide

HSG 268 - The health and safety toolbox: How to control risks at work

HSG 270 - Farmwise: Your essential guide to health and safety in agriculture

HSG 272 - Using nanomaterials at work

HSG 274 - The control of legionella bacteria (3 parts)

HSG 276 - Isocyanate paint spraying

HSG 278 - Electrical safety in mines

HSG 279 - Making paper safely: Managing safety in the papermaking process

HSG 280 - Guidance for licence holders on the containment and control of specified animal pathogens

HSG 281 - Electromagnetic fields at work

HSG 282 - The control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems

HSG 283 - Managing infection risks when handling the deceased


Related Links

HSG Health and Safety Guidance p1

HSG Health and Safety Guidance p2

HSG Health and Safety Guidance p3

HSG Health and Safety Guidance p4

HSG Health and Safety Guidance p5

HSG Health and Safety Guidance p6

HSG Health and Safety Guidance p7

HSG 263 - Involving your workforce in health and safety: Good practice for all workplaces

HSG 263 - Involving your workforce in health and safety: Good practice for all workplaces


This guide is mainly aimed at medium to large employers. It will help them in their legal duty to consult and involve their employees on health and safety matters. Small businesses may find the guidance helpful, particularly the case studies. Employees, their health and safety representatives and trade unions may also find the guide useful.


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HSG 264 - Asbestos: The survey guide

HSG 264 - Asbestos: The survey guide


This heavily illustrated publication replaces and expands on MDHS100, Surveying, sampling and assessment of asbestos-containing materials. It is aimed at people carrying out asbestos surveys and people with specific responsibilities for managing asbestos in non-domestic premises under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. The book covers competence and quality assurance and surveys, including: survey planning, carrying out surveys, the survey report and the dutyholder’s use of the survey information. It includes extensive appendices and references.


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HSG 268 - The health and safety toolbox: How to control risks at work

HSG 268 - The health and safety toolbox: How to control risks at work


Packed with sound advice to put you on the right track, The health and safety toolbox: How to control risks at work covers the most common workplace hazards. It shows how most small to medium-sized businesses can put measures into place to control the risks.


The book is easy to use and will help you comply with the law and prevent workplace accidents and ill health. It’s great value for those starting up or running a small business, or those who have been appointed as a safety representative in a larger organisation, or want additional advice on how to control workplace hazards. Whatever line of work you’re in, it will help you run a safe and healthy workplace.


It replaces HSE’s most popular guidance book Essentials of health and safety at work and builds on that title’s success by including:


>  case studies showing how accidents and cases of ill health have occurred, with helpful tips on how to avoid similar things happening in the future;

>  simplified advice on key duties to make it easier for you to comply with the law and run your business;

>  helpful lists of ‘dos and don’ts’ for key hazards which summarise the actions you need to take;

>  updates on legal changes;

>  detailed lists of useful websites and sources of advice.


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HSG 270 - Farmwise: Your essential guide to health and safety in agriculture

HSG 270 - Farmwise: Your essential guide to health and safety in agriculture


This book provides guidance that is relevant to everyone working on farms: employers, employees and the self-employed. It will help you achieve good standards of health and safety, and reduce injuries and ill health by identifying causes, eliminating hazards and controlling risks.


It covers the management of health and safety – principally for those responsible for running the farming or horticultural business – as well as outlining the specific risks of working in your industry and giving you easy-to-follow, practical advice to keep you safe and healthy at work.


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HSG 272 - Using nanomaterials at work

HSG 272 - Using nanomaterials at work


This guidance describes how to control occupational exposure to manufactured nanomaterials in the workplace. It will help you understand what you need to do to comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) (as amended) when you work with these substances.


If you work with nanomaterials this guidance will help you protect your employees. If you run a medium-sized or large business, where decisions about controlling hazardous substances are more complex, you may also need professional advice. This guidance will also be useful for trade union and employee health and safety representatives.


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HSG 274 The control of legionella bacteria

HSG 274 - The control of legionella bacteria


This guidance is for dutyholders, which includes employers, those in control of premises and those with health and safety responsibilities for others, to help them comply with their legal duties. These include identifying and assessing sources of risk, preparing a scheme to prevent or control risk, implementing, managing and monitoring precautions, keeping records of precautions and appointing a manager responsible for others.


The guidance gives practical advice on the legal requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 concerning the risk from exposure to legionella and guidance on compliance with the relevant parts of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.


The guidance is in three parts:


HSG 274 Part 1: The control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems

HSG 274 Part 2: The control of legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems

HSG 274 Part 3: The control of legionella bacteria in other risk systems


Also see:

INDG 458 - Legionnaires disease: A brief guide for duty-holder

HSG 282 The control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems

Legionnaires Disease

Legionnaires Disease News


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INDG 276 Isocyanate paint spraying

HSG 276 Isocyanate paint spraying


This guidance is aimed at vehicle body shop owners, managers and supervisors, their employees (particularly paint sprayers) and suppliers. It will also be useful to industries, other than motor vehicle repair (MVR), where there is spraying of isocyanate-containing paints and lacquers.


It replaces the previous HSE publication Controlling isocyanate exposure in spray booths and spray rooms.


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INDG 278 Electrical safety in mines

HSG 278 Electrical safety in mines


This guidance replaces L128 – The use of electricity in mines: Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. Approved Code of Practice.


It is primarily aimed at mine operators, engineers and technicians but will also be useful to others within the mining industry such as mine managers, safety representatives and representatives of employee safety, any employer with employees who work below ground at mines and self-employed contractors working below ground at mines.


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HSG 279 - Making paper safely: Managing safety in the papermaking process

HSG 279 - Making paper safely: Managing safety in the papermaking process


This guidance is for managers and users of paper and tissue manufacturing machinery. It provides practical guidance to manage the risks on papermaking machinery and associated tasks and describes the law that applies.


Changes since the last edition:


>  This edition updates references to legislation, standards and links to further guidance

>  The document has been restructured to cover tasks in papermaking as well as the machine itself

>  New sections have been added to cover areas of papermaking machinery/tasks not previously covered

>  The machinery section has been restructured to follow the papermaking process


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HSG 280 Guidance for licence holders on the containment and control of specified animal pathogens

HSG 280 Guidance for licence holders on the containment and control of specified animal pathogens


This guidance is aimed at Specified Animal Pathogen Order (SAPO) licence holders, users and biosafety professionals, but managers and health and safety representatives may also find it useful. It describes the containment and control measures and related management arrangements which must be applied when working with specified animal pathogens.


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HSG 281 Electromagnetic fields at work

HSG 281 Electromagnetic fields at work


A guide to the Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016


Employers have a duty to take reasonable steps to prevent harm in the workplace and this duty includes considering any risks arising from exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs).


This guidance explains an employer’s duties under the Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016 and will also be useful to others with responsibilities for health and safety such as employee and safety representatives. It explains what an EMF is, what the law says and how to assess employees’ potential exposure to EMFs with reference to ‘action levels’ and ‘exposure limit values’.


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HSG 282 The control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems

HSG 282 The control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems


Spa-pool systems are a recognised source of diseases caused by infectious agents including the organism that causes legionnaires’ disease, primarily Legionella pneumophila. There have been a number of outbreaks linked to spa pools in leisure centres, hotels, holiday homes, on cruise ships and on display.


This guidance is primarily for those who manage or operate spa-pool systems and explains how to manage and control the risks from legionella and other infectious agents. It will also help service suppliers, designers, manufacturers, importers, suppliers and installers of spa-pool systems meet their legal responsibilities.


Also see:

INDG 458 - Legionnaires disease: A brief guide for duty-holder

HSG 274 - Legionnaires disease - Technical guidance

Legionnaires Disease

Legionnaires Disease News


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HSG 283 - Managing infection risks when handling the deceased

HSG 283 Managing infection risks when handling the deceased


This publication provides guidance on managing the risks of infection from work activities which involve handling the deceased. It covers the safe handling, storage and examination of bodies and pathological specimens in hospitals, mortuaries and post-mortem rooms. It also provides guidance for those involved in funeral services (including embalmers) and exhumations of human remains.


It updates and combines previous HSE guidance, Safe working and the prevention of infection in the mortuary and post-mortem room (2003) and Controlling the risks of infection at work from human remains (2005), based on a review of scientific knowledge, stakeholder feedback and experience of how the previous guidance was used in the workplace.


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