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ISO 9001:2015 7.1 Resources

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ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7.1 Resources







ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7.1 Resources


ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7 mind map

Mind Map ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7

Clause 7.1 Breakdown


7.1 Resources


Resources are required to provide the capabilities needed to supply the product or service the customer needs.  This will also include the resources necessary to meet government and other legislative obligations.


Resources, both internal and external, come in a multitude of guises, and an organization will need to manage all the various elements to ensure the quality management system is established,  maintained, and of course, seeks to continually improve.


7.1.1 General


This clause uses the 'shall' determine to dictate its overriding requirements, which states, "The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the quality management system".  The clause further clarifies its requirements by dictating that:


The organization shall consider:

a) the capabilities of, and constraints on, existing internal resources;

b) what needs to be obtained from external providers.


Looking ahead to clauses ISO 9001:2015 7.1.2 People, 7.1.3 Infrastructure, 7.1.4 Environmental for the operation of processes, and 7.1.6 Organizational knowledge (also see ISO 9001:2015 Annex A.7), gives a clearer indication to the types of resources that the 'shall' requires the organization to determined.


Mind map for the requirements and resource considerations needed for a Quality Management System as defined by ISO 9000:2015 for use in ISO 9001:2015


Quality Management System as defined by ISO 9000:2015 for use in ISO 9001:2015

Mind map displaying the relationship between ISO 9000:2015 Resources and ISO 9001:2015 7.1 Resources.

Mind map displaying the relationship between ISO 9000:2015 Resources and ISO 9001:2015 7.1 Resources


7.1.2 People


This is a relatively common-sense clause whereby the organization is required to determine the people needed to effectively implement and manage the upkeep and ongoing requirements of the quality management system.   Many CEO's recognise that people are it's key asset, the standard is simple looking for these staff resources to be determined. It's also common-sense that this clause will have links to clause ISO 9001:2015 7.1.6  Organization knowledge and ISO 9001:2015 7.2 Competence.


Clause 2.3.3 of ISO 9000:2015 2.3.3 Engagement of people provides further guidance on staff and their immersion into the organization and quality management system, which in itself is about people.


Mind map of clause ISO 9000:2015 2.3.3 Engagement of people.

Mind map of clause ISO 9000:2015 2.3.3 Engagement of people


7.1.3 Infrastructure


ISO 9001:2015 uses the 'shall' verbal form to dictate that this clause requirements are mandatory.


Infrastructure facilities are clearly necessary for the quality management system to be able to deliver and ensure the conformity of products and or services that meet the organizations goals and objectives, including customers needs and expectations.


For ISO 9001:2015 the definition of infrastructure goes beyond the underlying foundation or basic framework of an organization.


Guidance in ISO 9000:2015 on infrastructure could be viewed as 'blanket covering'...


3.2.2 context of the organization:

Note 4 to entry: Understanding the infrastructure (3.5.2) can help to define the context of the organization.


3.5.2 infrastructure:

organization system of facilities, equipment and services needed for the operation of an organization.


The clause requires the infrastructure is determined, provided and maintained, and goes on to specify what is considered to be infrastructure as:


a) buildings and associated utilities;

b) equipment, including hardware and software;

c) transportation resources;

d) information and communication technology.


7.1.4 Environmental for the operation of processes


The opening paragraph of ISO 9001:2015 7.1.4 is identical to ISO 9001:2015 7.1.3 with the exception that the word 'infrastructure' is replaced with 'environmental', it again uses the 'shall' verbal form to dictate that this clause requirements are mandatory.


This is the clause that recognises happy workers give an organization a much better chance of success, and covers the three very important areas within human factors in the workplace:


a. social

b. psychological, and

c. physical


these aspects with normally be examine from an individual, job and organizations perspective.


There are many books and studies that cover these areas in great depth, singularly, mixed and concurrently. A few are listed below, however it is recommended the readers do their own research.


Generic indexes

Index to UK H&S Approved Codes of Practice Guides, ACOP

Index to Health and Safety INDG  Industry Guides

Index to HSG Health and Safety Guidance


Some specific examples

INDG 90 - Ergonomics and human factors

INDG 383 - Manual handling assessment charts (the MAC tool)

INDG 424 - Reduce Stress at Work: A guide for employees

HSG 48 - Reducing error and influencing behaviour

HSG 65 - Successful health and safety management


7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources General


Organizations produce products and or services and will need to measure and verify their conformity against requirements.


The general requirements for monitoring and measurement are two fold here;


1. are suitable monitoring and measurement activities taking place, and

2. are monitoring and measurement activities they being continual maintained against fitness for purpose.


Appropriate records of evidence for monitoring and measurement activities shall of course be required to be kept in accordance to ISO 9001:2015 7.5 Documented information. Measurement traceability


Measurement traceability is necessary all the way back to national standard where an organization considers it an essential part of providing confidence in it's products and or services.  This is not always easy and can be expensive, however it is an area where external and internal auditors will delve deeply into, so cutting corners can be a less than optimal management judgement...


The standard places three requirements on organizations for measurement traceability, using the 'shall' verbal form to dictate that the requirements are mandatory.


1. calibrated or verified, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards; when no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be retained as documented information;


2. identified in order to determine their status;


3. safeguarded from adjustments, damage or deterioration that would invalidate the calibration status and subsequent measurement results.


The final paragraph in this clause requires an investigation of records where equipment results are subject to possible erroneous readings. Common sense requirement here to ensure conformity to requirements have not gone previously undiscovered...


7.1.6 Organizational knowledge


This is probably one of the most common-sense requirements in the whole ISO 9001:2015 standard.  The clause requires that an organization shall determine the knowledge necessary for the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services. 


Clearly the knowledge required to run any organization will be specific to the products and or services it offers.  This knowledge will need to develop and grow as systems and operations change.  Knowledge can be internally or externally sourced or gained by experience.


Mind Map ISO 9001:2015 7.1 Resources



Useful integrated management system cross references


ISO 14001


ISO 14001-2015 7 Support

ISO 14001-2015 7.1 Resources


ISO 45001


ISO 45001-2018 7 Support

ISO 45001-2018 7.1 Resources

ISO 45001-2018 7.2 Competence

ISO 45001-2018 7.3 Awareness

ISO 45001-2018 7.4 Communication

ISO 45001-2018 7.5 Documented information

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