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DSE Health Risks

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QHSE Support >(Site Map) Health & Safety Guidance > Display Screen Equipment >  

DSE / VDU General Occupational Safety Information

DSE / VDU General Occupational Safety Information


The use in the workplace of display screen equipment (sometimes referred to as VDUs or visual display units) has increased significantly in recent years.  In order to control the risks to health and safety associated with such equipment, the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 were introduced.


The aim of the DSE Regulations which came into force in Jan 1993 to ensure that risks to health and safety of individuals are kept to a minimum by ensuring that workstations meet minimum requirements and that good practice is followed.


The risks associated with DSE are mainly introduced by prolonged usage, and can range from symptoms related to the visual system and working posture, typically this includes:


Musculoskeletal Disorders,


Sitting in static positions for long periods, or awkward repetitive movements of the head, body, or arms can cause pains in the neck, shoulders, and arms, as can uncomfortable positioning of the hands and wrists. This condition may well result from poor working techniques or inappropriate work height or station design and often disappear when work stops.  However poor workstation design or poor DSE working practices may place users at risk of chronic upper limb disorders (ULDs).  Symptoms include pain, swollen tissue, restricted joint movement and in some cases permanent disability.


Visual Fatigue,


Whilst there is medical evidence to suggest display screen work does not cause any permanent eye damage, it can cause temporary visual fatigue.  This can lead to a range of symptoms, including reduced visual performance, red and sore eyes and headaches.  These may be caused by staying in the same position and concentrating for extended periods of time, poor posture and positioning, poor positioning of equipment, poor legibility or focus of the display and poor lighting, including glare and reflections.  Display screen work can also make users more aware of any existing sight defects.


Mental Stress and Fatigue,


As in any job, mental stress and fatigue can result from poorly designed tasks or a poor working environment.



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