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Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment - Space Requirements and Section and Lighting

Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment - Page 5 of 8


Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment - Space Requirements and Section and Lighting


Links to Additional Pages


Page 1 - Section 01 - The Display Screen

Page 2 - Section 02 - The Keyboard

Page 3 - Section 03 - The Work Desk or Work Surfaces

Page 4 - Section 04 - The Work Chair

Page 6 - Section 07 - The Individual

Page 7 - Section 08 - Environment and Section 09 - General Safety

Page 8 - Section 10 - Identification as a User / Work Breaks


Risk Assessment 'Space Requirements and Section and Lighting' Questions Cover:


5.1Is sufficient space available to allow freedom movement and change of position?

5.2Can documents and telephone equipment be handled in comfort and without excessive body movement?

6.1Is the lighting adequate at the screen and in the area of the workstation?

6.2Does the screen attract reflections from artificial light?

6.3Does the screen attract reflections from windows or normal daylight?

6.4Does the screen attract reflections from decor or other equipment?

6.5Do windows have fitted adjustable coverings to control daylights?


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Kindly be patient as the interactive form may take a moment to load, depending on your internet speed.


Page 5 - Section 05 - Space Requirements and Section 06 - Lighting

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