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Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment - Identification as a User and their Work Breaks

Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment - Page 8 of 8


Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment - Identification as a User and their Work Breaks


Links to Additional Pages


Page 1 - Section 01 - The Display Screen

Page 2 - Section 02 - The Keyboard

Page 3 - Section 03 - The Work Desk or Work Surfaces

Page 4 - Section 04 - The Work Chair

Page 5 - Section 05 - Space Requirements and Section 06 - Lighting

Page 6 - Section 07 - The Individual

Page 7 - Section 08 - Environment and Section 09 - General Safety


Risk Assessment 'Identification as a User and their Work Breaks' Questions Cover:


10.1Does the employee normally used DSE for continuous or near-continuous spells of an hour or more at a time?

10.2Does the employee use DSE as described in 10.1 above more or less daily?

10.3Does the employee have to transfer information quickly to or from the DSE; and also need to apply high levels of attention and concentration; or are they highly dependant on DSE or have little choice about using it; or need special training or skills to use the DSE?

10.4Is the capacity for breaks or changes in work patterns permissible at this workstation?


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Kindly be patient as the interactive form may take a moment to load, depending on your internet speed.


Page 8 - Section 10 - Identification as a User / Work Breaks

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