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Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment - The Work Chair

Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment - Page 4 of 8


Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment - The Work Chair


Links to Additional Pages


Page 1 - Section 01 - The Display Screen

Page 2 - Section 02 - The Keyboard

Page 3 - Section 03 - The Work Desk or Work Surfaces

Page 5 - Section 05 - Space Requirements and Section 06 - Lighting

Page 6 - Section 07 - The Individual

Page 7 - Section 08 - Environment and Section 09 - General Safety

Page 8 - Section 10 - Identification as a User / Work Breaks


Risk Assessment 'The Work Chair' Questions Cover:


4.1Is the work chair stable?

4.2Is the work stair suitable for the weight and size of the employee?

4.3Does the chair allow freedom of movement?

4.4Can the chair be adjusted for height? 

4.5Can the back rest be adjusted for height and tilt?

4.6Can the individual place both feet flat on the floor when seated and operating the keyboard?

4.7Is there a foot rest available?

4.8Is the foot rest specifically required for the user health or comfort?          


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Page 4 - Section 04 - The Work Chair


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