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FREE QHSE Software Click <HERE> to Learn More

 FREE Quality, Health and Safety,
 and Attendance Software 

QHSE Free Sotfware

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QHSE Support Free Software


FREEWARE fully functional, please follow links.


TIRA: Health and Safety Risk Assessment Management Software


TIRA (One Stop Shop for Company Health and Safety Risk Assessment Management)


TIRA stands for Task Inventory and Risk Assessments and is a comprehensive risk management and analysis program, designed to be used by both the safety professional and those with part time safety responsibilities.  TIRA will aid companies with meeting their 45001:2018 responsibilities.

AIM: Accidents at Work Management Software


AIM (Manage Employee Accidents at Work)


AIM stands for Accident Investigation and Management system and is a comprehensive accident, incident and near-miss management and analysis program, designed to be used by both the safety professional and those with part time safety  responsibilities.

FIRE: fire precautions and risk assessment management program


FIRE (Fire Precautions Management)


FIRE software program is a comprehensive fire precautions and risk assessment management program.


Health and safety fire precautions management and fire risk assessment requirements are crucial elements in ensuring the safety of individuals and the protection of property in any environment. Whether it's a workplace, residential building, or public space, fire safety measures play a vital role in mitigating risks and preventing potential disasters.


Fire precautions management involves the implementation of measures to prevent fires from occurring and to minimize their impact if they do. This includes maintaining fire exits clear and accessible, ensuring proper storage of flammable materials, installing and maintaining fire detection and suppression systems such as smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, and fire doors, as well as establishing clear evacuation procedures and conducting regular fire drills.

DICS: Documented Information Control System

DICS (Manage your Documented Information)


DICS stands for Documented Information Control System and is a comprehensive computer program designed specifically for the management of company controlled information. DICS is intended to be used by those Quality, Health and Safety or Environmental professionals with responsibilities for the issuing, updating and removal of controlled information.

SMART: Employee Attendance and Sickness Trend Finding System

SMART (Employee Attendance and Sickness Trend Finding System)


SMART stands for Sickness Monitoring and Absenteeism Records and Trends software program and is a comprehensive employee sickness / absenteeism management and trend analysis program, designed to be used by HR and administration departments.

STARS: Staff training and records system software


STARS (Staff Training and Records System)


Staff training and records system software program and is a comprehensive employee staff training management program.


STARS allows organizations to manage staff historical, current and future training records efficiently and effectively.  STARS works on the principle that the training or responsible department will arrange courses and managers and supervisors will put forward staff to attend.

Go to https://onsafelines.com to see the full list of available QHSE software released as FREEWARE.






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onsafelines.com QHSE Software 2025 : Webmaster: Brian G. Welch MSc(QHSE), NVQ4(OH&S), CMIOSH