AIM Support - (Site Map) AIM > > General Note: AIM v9 has been released as FREEWARE form Aug 2020 by On Safe Lines, prior to this version users would of needed to purchased a licence.
As set out in the EULA:
Reproduction and Distribution. You may reproduce and distribute free of any charge payable by the recipient an unlimited number of copies of the Software; provided that each copy shall be a true and complete copy, including all copyright, trademark notices and web site addresses that are currently in place. The Software unregistered setup package may be freely distributed with exceptions noted below:
a. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of SOFTWARE without written permission from the copyright holder.
b. The software may not be bundled or distributed with any other package without written permission from the copyright holder.
What is AIM?
AIM stands for Accident Investigation and Management system and is a comprehensive accident, incident and near-miss management and analysis program, designed to be used by both the safety professional and those with part time safety responsibilities.
AIM's primary objective is to reduce the overall risk to employees and employers by making accident and investigation management simpler, less bureaucratic and more efficient.
AIM has been designed to allow companies to easily manage their accident, incident and near-miss incidents. AIM allows companies to manage the entire accident process from initial reporting through to final management sign off of findings and recommendations. AIM also provides comprehensive analysis and statistical reporting to allow management to take decisions based on real data.
Statistical reports included in AIM (click on link for further details)
•Accidents between Dates
•Accidents by Employee
•Accidents by Staff Groups
•Accidents by Manager
•Accidents by Location
•Accidents by Accident Type
•Accidents by Lost Time
•Accidents Reportable to National Statistics
•Detailed Accidents Reports by Employee
•Brief Accident Reports by the user selected choices.
Charts included in AIM (click on link for further details)
•Number By Category - Statistical Chart by Accident, Incident and Near-miss by classification
•Number By Locations - Statistical Chart by location (which location has the worst accident record)
•Number By Manager - Statistical Chart by Manager (which managers staff are the most accident prone)
•Number By Staff Group - Statistical Chart by staff groups (which group of staff have the most accidents?)
•Number By Staff - Statistical Chart on Employee Accidents (will show those accident prone staff)
•Lost Time - Statistical Chart by the number of lost days
Trend Finding included in AIM (click on link for further details)
•Trends By Drilling Down on Multiple Criteria
•Monthly Trends
•Quarterly Trends
•Yearly Trends
•Monthly Cross Tab Data Trends
•Quarterly Cross Tab Data Trends
•Cross Tab Data Trends by Accident / Incident Type
For Support video to display you need to be connected to the internet.
YouTube Video for AIM
(slightly dated to most current version, but still a good overview)
AIM has been designed to allow the user to control just how they wish to manage their record inputting and provides two main input screens, compact and detailed mode. Users are easily able to select which of the two modes to use when inputting accident and investigation records. In compact mode all fields are arranged logically and neatly on a single input form. In detailed mode an accident, incident or near-miss is broken down into four logical sections, these being event, initial investigation, full investigation and final sign-off. Each of these four sections is allocated its' own input form.
More details of AIM's capability as a Risk Management Tool is covered in the pages within On Safe Lines web-site support for users. Feel free to browse through these pages or simply download AIM and try in for yourself, it is Free.
On Safe Lines - Help file v9.000 : Copyright © 2020 On Safe Lines QHSE Software