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PPE Risk Assessment p2




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Personal Protective Equipment Risk Assessment - PPE General Requirements  page 2 of 5

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Page 1 - PPE General Requirements 

Page 3 - PPE General Requirements cont...

Page 4 - The Head

Page 5 - Upper Limbs, Lower Limbs and Other 


Risk Assessment 'PPE General Requirement (page 2)' Questions Cover:


PPE General Requirements... continued


2.1Are employees provided with suitable information, instruction and training to enable then to make effective use of the PPE provided?

2.2Are there suitable arrangements in place for the maintenance and replacement of PPE, and appropriate record keeping?

2.3Is suitable accommodation provided for PPE to be stored?

2.4Are there suitable arrangements in place for reporting PPE which is loss or defective, which also ensures PPE is repaired or replaced prior to an employee restarting the activity concerned?

2.5Does the PPE avoid the introduction of extra risk to the user?

2.6Where there is a risk that the PPE reduces the user's perception of the hazards, appropriate proactive management control exists?

2.7Where there is, or maybe a reluctance or a perception that the use of the PPE is unnecessary, appropriate proactive management control exists?

2.8Where PPE requires frequent cleaning, replacement of parts, maintenance or other regular attention that can become a chore, appropriate proactive management control exists?


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Page 2 - PPE General Requirements continued

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