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Fire Premises Risk Assessment p6




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Fire Premises Risk Assessment - Fire Precautions (page 2)

Fire Premises Risk Assessment - Page 6 of 9


Fire Premises Risk Assessment - Fire Precautions (page 2)


Links to Additional Pages


Page 1 - Section 1 - Sources of Ignition and Section 2. Sources of Combustible Materials

Page 2 - Section 3 - Consider Who Might be at Risk and Section 4. Building Occupants 

Page 3 - Section 5 - Policy, Procedures and Instructions (page 1)  

Page 4 - Section 5 - Policy, Procedures and Instructions (page 2)  

Page 5 - Section 6 - Fire Precautions (page 1)  

Page 6 - Section 6 - Fire Precautions (page 2)

Page 7 - Section 7 - Means of Escape

Page 8 - Section 8 - Training 

Page 9 - Section 9 - Maintenance


Risk Assessment 'Fire Precautions, page 2' Questions Cover:


6.09Records of checks undertaken of fire equipment in Q6.08 are available, legible and up to date?

6.10Employees are trained / instructed in the actions to be undertaken when a fire alarm is raised?

6.11Employees are trained / instructed on the correct procedure to raise the alarm in the event of discovering a fire or emergency situation?

6.12Employees are trained / instructed in the correct use of fire fighting equipment?

6.13Records of training / instruction given to meet the requirements of Q6.10, Q6.11 and Q6.12 are available, legible and up to date?

6.14Employees of other organisation are familiarised with the premises fire precaution measures and records of training / instruction given are available, legible and up to date?

6.15Practice emergency evacuation drills are undertaken at a frequency determined by the level of occupancy, the activities and contents of the premises?

6.16Fire precautions performance, measures and activities form an agenda item on the company and safety minutes for top management review? 


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Page 6 - Section 6 - Fire Precautions (page 2)

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