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Fire Premises Risk Assessment p3




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Fire Premises Risk Assessment Policy, Procedures and Instructions (page 1)

Fire Premises Risk Assessment - Page 3 of 9


Fire Premises Risk Assessment Policy, Procedures and Instructions (page 1)


Links to Additional Pages


Page 1 - Section 1 - Sources of Ignition and Section 2. Sources of Combustible Materials

Page 2 - Section 3 - Consider Who Might be at Risk and Section 4. Building Occupants

Page 3 - Section 5 - Policy, Procedures and Instructions (page 1)  

Page 4 - Section 5 - Policy, Procedures and Instructions (page 2)  

Page 5 - Section 6 - Fire Precautions (page 1)

Page 6 - Section 6 - Fire Precautions (page 2)  

Page 7 - Section 7 - Means of Escape

Page 8 - Section 8 - Training 

Page 9 - Section 9 - Maintenance


Risk Assessment 'Policy, Procedures and Instructions, page 1' Questions Cover:


5.01Has responsibility for Fire Safety been nominated?
List Name and Designation, and Deputy(s) as appropriate

5.02Are competent persons available to assist in the preventative and protective measures?
List Names and Departments

5.03Does a current up to date documented Fire Safety Policy with supporting Fire Arrangement Procedures and Instructions exist?

5.04Does a current up to date documented premises plan which includes a basic layout and areas of significant risk exist?

5.05Does the premises plan (Q5.04) form an integral part of the overall emergency plan?

5.06Does the emergency plan take account of other emergency plans applicable to the same premises?

5.07Is the emergency plan readily available to employees and other to read?

5.08Is the emergency plan available to the enforcing authority?


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Page 3 - Section 5. Policy, Procedures and Instructions (page 1)

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