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PPE Risk Assessment p1




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Personal Protective Equipment Risk Assessment - PPE General Requirements page 1 of 5

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Page 5 - Upper Limbs, Lower Limbs and Other 


Risk Assessment 'PPE General Requirement (page 1)' Questions Cover:


The Core Details


PPE General Requirements


1.1Is the PPE provided when required?

1.2Have all other methods of controlling the risks and therefore avoiding the need for the PPE been investigated?

1.3The PPE is provided on a personal issue basis and no charge is made where the equipment is solely for use at work?

1.4Does the PPE comply with the relevant national or international standard? (specify standards)

1.5The design and manufacture of the PPE bears a health and safety conformity mark? (specify type)

1.6The PPE requirements have been assessed to ensure that suitable PPE has been selected and provided?

1.7Is the PPE covered by other specific legislation for work at these premises?

1.8Is the PPE appropriate for the risks involved, the environmental of use and the period for which it is to be worn?


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Page 1 - PPE General Requirements

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