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Equipment Risk Assessment p3




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Work Equipment Risk Assessment - Restrictions, Guards and Effects of Temperature

Work Equipment Risk Assessment - Page 3 of 9


Work Equipment Risk Assessment - Restrictions, Guards and Effects of Temperature


Links to Additional Pages


Page 1 - Section 1 - Suitability

Page 2 - Section 2 - Maintenance

Page 4 - Section 6 - Specific Hazards

Page 5 - Section 7 - Controls (page 1 of 2)

Page 6 - Section 7 - Controls (page 2 of 2)

Page 7 - Section 8 - Miscellaneous


Risk Assessment 'Restrictions, Guards and Effects of Temperature' Questions Cover:




3.1Is the use of the equipment to be restricted to nominated staff whose duties require them to use it?

3.2Is training available for staff that will use this equipment and their supervisors in working methods, risks, precautions and other safety requirements?

3.3Can the equipment be secured from in-appropriate use by untrained staff?




4.1Are all dangerous parts of the equipment guarded or interlocked?

4.2Where equipment cannot be guarded as in above are other protective devices provided?

4.3Where protection cannot be provided in accordance with the above are risks adequately controlled by provision of information, instruction, training and supervision?


Effects of high or very low temperatures


5.1Are all hot/cold parts of the equipment, which are likely to cause injury protect?

5.2Are all hot/cold substances or articles associated with the equipment protected?


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Page 3 - Section 3 - Restrictions, Section 4 - Guards and Section 5 - Effects of Temperature



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